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Streets of Rogue is a hard game to describe, apart from being completely hilarious it pulls in rogue-lite elements, some RPG mechanics along with a sort-of open world approach to the level design making it very interesting.
Welcome to the third review in the PIN (Play It NOW) series. This time, we’re covering a game that is so good, you’ll be devastated when you finish it. It’s quality-over-quantity, it’s Gunpoint by Tom Francis, sole developer and owner of Suspicious Developments.
The Linux version of this pretty “RogueVania” has now been pushed out of beta and made available to everyone. A few other things have been added to the game in the accompanying patch.
Darkest Dungeon: The Color Of Madness DLC brings quite a bit of new content to the gothic roguelike and it's now officially out. There's also a free character DLC.